If you wish to gift another user a content bundle via our Web Bundle Store you first need to own the game yourself or you will not be able to make purchases in the store. It is also important to know that the person you are planning to purchase a gift for also already owns the game as they cannot accept any bundle gifts if they do not. If you or they do not own the game, you can instead use our Old Web Store to purchase a full version of the game as a gift (PC and Mobile only). |
Buying Gifts using Coins
In the Bundles tab you will be able to find all bundles currently available in Path of Titan and how much Path of Titan's coin each of them cost.
If you are unsure of how to buy coins, please head over to this article!
If you do not have enough coins you can still add more to your coin balance by clicking the Buy Currency button. |
- Paste or write your friend's Alderon Games ID (AGID) into the Alderon Games ID field or if you have added the user as a friend in the past, click the Gift Bundle option next to their profile.
Note: A user can find their Alderon Games ID in their User settings on our website, at the bottom of their Social menu in-game or in the top right corner of their PC launcher.
You can gift the bundle anonymously by checking the Gift Anonymously checkbox. |
- The website will then verify if the order was successful! If you are having issues completing your order, please contact our support for further assistance!
- Your friend now accept the gift in their Gift tab by logging into the Alderon Games website and click on their username in the top right corner.
If the user declines your gift, you will be automatically refunded your coins used to purchase the bundle.
Buying Gifts using the Old Web Store
If you wish to buy someone a full version of the game we recommend you use the Old Web Store. There are two ways you can buy gifts for your friends, you can either buy 1 bundle as a gift or you can buy a 4-pack bundle where you are able to give away 3 copies (4 if you already own the game) of the game. Don't forget to take advantage of our Refer A Friend system when recruiting new players to the game!
Gifting a single game copy
To gift a single copy of the game, please follow the steps below:
- Visit our store.
- Click Purchase under the PC & Mobile Full Access version.
Select a Backer Skin to include if you have not done so already.
A Backer skin is a limited skin with a distinct colour palette you can purchase as an early supporter of the game.
You can choose a creature from the word list or click on the image of the skin you want.
- Click Purchase again when you have selected the skin you want to include.
- Copy and send the gift link to the person you want to gift.
- Your friend can claim the gift if they have an Alderon Games Account. If they do not have an account, they will need to create one before they can accept the gift.
Gifting via the 4-pack bundle
To gift using the 4-pack bundle, please follow the steps below:
- Visit our store.
- Click Purchase under the PC & Mobile Full Access 4x Multipack version.
- Complete the purchase.
Copy and send the 3 (4 if you already own the game yourself) web links to your friends.
- Your friends can claim the gift if they have their own Alderon Games Accounts. If they do not have an account, they will need to create one before they can accept the gift.
1 comment
i love giftingÂ
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